So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Sunday, October 3, 2010


So I was tooling around on the radio Friday trying to find something worth listening to and came across this song.  After a moment or two I found myself joyfully worshiping along and thanking the Lord for whoever wrote it.  Moving to Florida has definitely not been an easy move but it is where we feel God wants us right now, though my heart has frequently rebelled against where God has brought us, He has patiently reminded and assured me that this is where He wants to use me.  Over the last week I have been trying to train my heart to be content where God has me, to acknowledge that His purposes are above mine, that He is in control, and above all that He wants our good.  (My heart is often tempted to believe that this isn't true, that the Lord doesn't care for me that way, and that is a lie.  I have to look it in the face, call it what it is, and point out to myself from scripture where it is wrong.)  While I am still struggling with where God has us right now, I am happy to say I could worship with this song in agreement, and perhaps some hope for the future that this will become more and more true of me.  Hope you enjoy!
Chris Tomlin- I will follow

1 comment:

  1. glad you were able to worship in this difficult time! love you dear and i'll be praying for you!
