So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

26 Weeks Today!

It blows my mind that there are only 14 weeks left until Eb's due date!  We had a great check-up this week and learned that we have crossed an important threshold without knowing it!  If for some reason we were to go into labor and deliver Eb before 24 weeks, the doctors won't really try to resuscitate him or keep him alive because the success rate of babies born that early is so low.  After 24 weeks however is a different story.  At that point they will do all they can to keep baby healthy because he should be developed enough to have a much greater chance of survival.  Obviously the longer he stays in the better, and we don't have any reason to expect him to try to come early, but it was still a relief to know that should the worst happen our little man would at least have a fighting chance!

It is always exciting to me to find out what is happening in his development each week.  The things that were highlighted for this week were: Continued nervous system development, especially with his ears, so he can definitely hear what is going on in the world around him now - albeit a bit muffled; he is starting to put on fat in addition to all that muscle and weighs 1 and 2/3 pounds; he is now 14 inches from head to heel; he is practicing breathing the amniotic fluid around him and his lungs are developing at a rapid pace.

Some new things for me lately include more frequent Braxton-Hicks contractions (they don't hurt, its just like my stomach gets really hard and tight for a few minutes - its uncomfortable, but not painful).  Apparently these are completely okay and normal for the stage of pregnancy I am in and are like training for the real marathon coming up.  Eb has been a super active baby!  I will feel him move all throughout the day, especially after I eat something, and then for a little while at night.  He settles down quickly at night though and hasn't kept me up at all yet.  Painting my toenails has become quite a bit harder lately - not impossible, just challenging to get around my stomach!  I went through my closet and tried to go ahead and take out all the clothes that no longer fit - it was pretty bare when I finished!  Sadly, I had to say goodbye to my favorite pair of jeans (the ones in the picture) along with many other outfits.  Chris' Mom sent me a little money just for maternity clothes though and I'm looking forward to checking out the consignment shops around town soon!


  1. i can't believe how far along you are and I'm so sad that i don't get to see you in person in this stage :( but glad thing are going well and that you have passed this milestone :) love you!

  2. You are a beautiful pregnant lady! Love, Mom
