So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Adoption update...

I just wanted to submit a quick update on Mom and Dad's adoption, which includes a praise and a prayer request!

Praise is that Mom and Dad recently received their INS approval!!!!  This is great news because it was the last major piece they needed to complete their dossier which is sent over to Ukraine.  

The prayer request is something that recently came up while Mom and I were in Indianapolis getting the documents apostilled (the last thing to be done to the documents before sending them to Ukraine!).  We just found out the morning we were heading to Indy that the lady who conducted Mom and Dad's home-study is not a licensed social worker.  This should not be a problem since this is legal in Kentucky and Indiana if she is overseen by a licensed social worker and the agency is licensed in the state of Indiana, which are all true.  The issue is that Kentucky has a ready made form explaining this while Indiana does not seem to have such a form... we are concerned that the AC in Ukraine want the license, or an explanation of its absence and we can't acquire either.  

This has been so stressful on Mom and Dad because it seems like our family will be the first to send a dossier like this to Ukraine and they don't want to be an experiment!  In addition, the agency should be responsible for thinking about and providing all of these things, but instead Mom and Dad have been running and calling around because the people at the agency have been apathetic to the extreme.  Please pray that this gets resolved quickly so that Mom and Dad can get the dossier sent the first of next week.  We have already been delayed at least three weeks due to previous mistakes and delays of this agency and this one may be one of the worst.  So please lift my parents and this process up in prayer.  Please pray also for Mom's stress level, she has worked so hard during this time and is getting exhausted.  

So, good and bad... we are so close to sending this over it is maddening at times.  We know that God's hand is in this adoption and we are praying that he will work super naturally through, or in spite of, these terribly flawed people.  Thanks for your support!

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