So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Friday, January 31, 2014

Our Month in Pictures - January 2014

So I am currently way behind, but still want to document the lightening fast changes that are happening in our family!  So while catching up I'm going to run highlights of our months, instead of weeks.  So here is the rest of January!

Finally got some serious giggles from Evie Bear - especially if you eat her tummy!

Pandora thinks the swing is hers!

Aunt Hannah helped Eb build an epic farm with his new animals!

Evie/Kitty bonding time!

Serious cold - January, 7, 2014

Evie loves her bouncer!

We've got this sitting up - getting down isn't so graceful yet!

Nursing snuggles...

This is Chris' Nanna as a baby - we think Evie looks a little like her.

Our box loving Pandora!

Life from an almost 2 year old...

On the move!

Two amazing years...

Fishing with Daddy!

Happy birthday Eb and Daddy!

Playing with his new farm stuff!

Inside fun when its too cold to go out!

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