So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Said by Eb...

The last few days I have been delighted, overwhelmed and surprised at some if the things that come out of my sins mouth.  I hope to make smaller more regular posts like this in the future, but since this is the first it will be a little longer.

Bringing me a package if cookies:
Eb: Mommy, may I have some?
Me: Sure you can have one.
Eb: How 'bout a touple (couple)?
Me: Okay you can have two.
Eb: How 'bout three?

Trying to share drink with Evie:
'Here ya go Evie!'

When asking for something he is excited about:
'Mommy may I please have one Mooh-mmmy?' (Said really fast with lots of emphasis on the last Mommy)

After watching Chris split wood:
Eb brings him a broken ax handle-
Eb: Can I do Daddy? Want help?
Chris: Sure Buddy! (Sets him up a piece of wood)
Eb proceeds to whack it a few times then says "There ya go Daddy!"

Runs in the kitchen:
Evie trying (crying)! Pick her up!

Trying to move the cat off his chair:
'Scuse me kitty, 'scuse me!

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