So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Monday, March 31, 2014

Our Month in Pictures - March 2014

Hanging out outside on the first nice day in ages!

Look out world - I can pull up!

Using the school desk Granddaddy brought up!

Cruising and making lots of noise!

Catching a ride!

A toof!

Who needs a trampoline?

Eb's new doll that looks like Evie 

Mmmm Butter!

Precious snuggles while rocking to sleep...


Mmmm Grandma's amber necklace is tasty!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Said by Eb...

Eb came and sat on the stool beside me and asked: "May I ask you a question?"
So funny because I'm not sure he understood what question even means!

Me: Eb what do you want for breakfast?
Eb: Ice cream!
Me: Really? Ice cream?
Eb: Yep, ice cream!

Eb took a wrench from Evie, I told him to give it back.
He said: I fot she going to hurt it.
Me: No she won't.
Eb: Yes, she gonna hurt it.

Oh boy.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Things Eb says...

I love the things that come out of Eb's mouth, unfortunately I forget them all too quickly! Here are some recent ones I managed to remember long enough to write down.

Me: Ebenezer, how old are you?
Eb: I am very little.
Me: Are you 2?
Eb: No, I am very little.

Eb bringing me my water bottle:

Here you go you poor dear! (Using his sweet, concerned imitation of Duck from Little Bear.)

After breakfast:
Eb: Do worship? (Meaning watch and sing with a music video.)
Me: Okay, sure. What do you want to sing?
Eb: Oh my soul! (translation - Ten Thousand Reasons from Matt Redmond)
After listening...
Eb: Do another?
Me: Which one?
Eb: wa-oh-o-oh-oh-ah (translation - Hello My Name Is from Matthew West)
After listening...
Eb: Watch Jesus melted!
Me: (totally flabbergasted - not sure what this one is) Jesus loves me?
Eb: Jesus melted!
Me: ummm...
Eb: Jesus melted?
Me: OH! (Relief filling my voice) Jesus exalted? (translation - Be Thou Exalted from New Life Worship which he heard for the first time the day before at church)
Eb: Yep! Jesus melted!

Before you start thinking we are all holy - he also refers to Sesame Street Doo-Wop-Hop and Imagine That as 'worship' since we sometimes listen to them at the same time!