So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Treasured interruption

Laying in bed trying to go to sleep - bump bump kick... No it's not Chris, it's Little Peep!  I am especially savoring this interruption tonight.  I really just started feeling Little Peep move on a regular basis this last week (18 weeks), so feeling her roll around is still a new thrill.  So that's one reason to savor the moment.  I also love feeling my tiny ones move because it is reassuring to me that all is well.  Finally, we have had several close friends and family members lose their tiny ones early in pregnancy the last few months - these loses have been heavy on my heart and a reminder that it is only God's grace, not any might or merit of my own, that sustains this new life I get to carry.  I can't think of a better reason to be kept awake than an active tiny person rolling around in my belly!

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