So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Day 4

Today I am thankful

1.) that I have had the ability and privilege to breastfeed all of our babies for so long, such a blessing.

2.) for my cozy sweatshirt and actually needing it today!

3.) for my fantastic spider killing husband.

Day 3

Missed my thankful yesterday -

1.) the sweet soothing sound of a steady rain during nap.

2.) the brave people exposing PP

3.) Breathe essential oil! My kiddos received relief and the ability to sleep.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Day 2

Today I am thankful

1.) that my husband has a job, and that even though it's hard I am able to stay home with our children.

2.) that although our parental rights are often in danger they are not gone - I still have the freedom to homeschool my children and vaccinate them as I see best.

3.) for baby raspberries.

Day 1

The sermon this weekend was about reaping what you sow and being conscious about the little things you sow - which then become big things later in life.  We were challenged to pick a few things we needed to be conscious about sowing and practice them daily for the next 52 days.  I want to be more grateful - and y'all can help me be accountable.  I hope to post 3 things I'm thankful for daily (or at least the days I'm on FB).

1. I am thankful I am not a Syrian refugee.
2. I am thankful my children are whole and well.
3. I am thankful there are cows in my backyard.

Oh what a privilege

I don't always feel this way - sometimes I am too tired or distracted to see the bigger picture.  But then, God gives me a glimpse of what exactly it is that I do day in and day out - and I feel so privileged and under qualified all at the same time.

Day in and day out I have the privilege and responsibility of shaping my children's hearts and minds, nourishing their bodies and souls.  Interpreting the world and events around them into language and imagery they will understand.  Limiting exposure to harmful inputs and lifting them up is the constant theme of my days.  Realizing that this tiny hand belongs to an infinitely valuable heart and an eternal soul, that holding her hand impacts her for eternity.  I am humbled and awed at the trust God placed in me when he made me a mommy.  And I desire to daily fall at His feet begging for grace, wisdom and strength I do not possess on my own to complete this all important task.

Jesus, draw me to yourself, draw me deeper and show me your unending favor so that I might show my children what it means to passionately pursue you and find all our worth and strength in your unmerited favor.

Breakfast discoveries

Yesterday Evie discover toe jams - during breakfast - and they were so distracting!

Today she decided apples should be eaten like oranges.

I love this girl! She cracks me up and keeps me on my toes!

Friday, September 25, 2015

Pulling Up!

She just a few days shy of 6 months and crawling really well - and pulling up like a champ! Not cruising yet, but super proud of what she does!