So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Classes at UF...

I have been trying to register for classes for a week and they still aren't quite right.  It has been quite a trip the last week and a half!  Following is all I learned through the course of at least twenty emails.  In order for all of my paper work at UF to continue smoothly I need to be registered for classes.  Unfortunately, their online registration process is a bear to navigate.  Fortunately, Mr. Smyder in the Hort. office is awesome and offered to sign me up until I get the hang of it.  Unfortunately, their isn't a list of specific classes that I need for my PhD.  Fortunately, Mercy is really cool and willing to work with me and the stuff I am interested in along with what she thinks will be useful.  Unfortunately, most of the classes she thinks I need require Biochem as a prereq at UF.  Fortunately a Biochem for Grad students who have never had Biochem is available.  Unfortunately, it conflicts with several other courses I would like to and could take, but I need this one.  Fortunately I can take a lot of research credits over the course of my PhD. because I am already signed up for three since Biochem conflicts so badly.... and so my academic life begins again.

1 comment:

  1. ugh...this gives me a headache just reading it! good luck w/everything dear
