So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Mail Order Chicks!

Little meat rooster...
Yep, you read right, we ordered chicks through the mail!  Another sign that the new year is in full swing is at least one box of Chicks in the mail!  Unfortunately, the company sending them shipped them on a Sat. and we didn't receive them until Tuesday.  This is an issue because the chicks are already a day old when they ship them and the yolk them absorb before hatching only last about two days.  So these little chickies went without food and water for 3 days.  We have only lost two, the rest look like they will be healthy despite being quite stressed.  It is always so much fun opening the box and watching the little fluff balls settle in.  This year we purchased twenty some Cornish Crosses (meat birds) and ten Anconas (white egg layers).  In addition to these guys mo has been purchasing eggs for hatching from Eggbay.  It is always so amazing to see the eggs hatch, but I get really impatient during the process!  I am so anxious to see them out of their shells that I am tempted to help them break free... but mom helps me remember that their struggle gets their blood pumping and strengthens their muscles... I still want to help...

A chick hatched from incubator..

The incubator with colorful eggs!

Cracked spot on middle egg, called pip, Chick's first crack!

1 comment:

  1. poor little chicks who died! :( I would love to see some hatch...if only we had the need for a box of chicks ;)
