So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Blooming Florida!

 I wanted to take a break from my strawberry posts and show you what Florida has looked like through March!  I know you saw the peaches blooming earlier, but lots of other things have surprised me around campus and throughout Gainesville.

I didn't know if we had redbuds or not down here but I was pleasantly surprised to see this guys blooming a few weeks ago!  I walk by him almost every morning and it has been amazing to watch it progress from just blooms, like you see here, to blooms and tiny leaves like in the picture below.  I love it because they are like a taste of home, albeit several months early!

 These are some roses I shot this week.  They are already in full bloom, and boy do they smell sweet!  Aren't they gorgeous?

The orange blossoms may convince me to like Florida yet!  They are in full bloom and their fragrance travels hundreds of yards or further if you have a good breeze and a warm day.  They are a new scent for me and I love it!  They smell rich, sweet and almost spicy, its hard to describe but delightful to experience.

These hibiscus were hiding near our apartment!  They don't have much smell, but who needs smell when you are so showy?

I have been enjoying these ditch side lilies.  I don't know what they are but they are blooming in a lot of the ditches around town.  There is a little too much light in these pictures to do them justice, but they are lovely on my drive to class every morning!

Last but not least is this crazy bush (tree?).  It is also on my drive and I have no idea what it is, but it sure is showing off!

Well, that's all for today!  Hoping you enjoyed Florida's blooms as much as me!

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