So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Spring Break: Part 2

After the Strawberry festival Mom and I took a day to recoup and do a little shopping, then we were out and about again on Monday with Grandpa and Shirley!  This time we were headed to St. Augustine to see the fountain of youth and one of the forts in the area.  It was a cold, blustery day, but we had a good time anyway and now know of some more good places to take visitors!
On our way to the Fountain of Youth!
Fortunately, the water didn't taste like sulfur that day!
Here's my an awesome Momma!
Fifteen stones down and thirteen across for the year they found the fountain!
This is one of the barrels the Spanish used to bury and collect rain water in!
Chris commanding the fire of a really old cannon.
This guys lit the wick used to light the cannon with a magnifying glass, SO COOL!
There were peacocks everywhere!
A flower at the Fountain of Youth, which I have yet to identify.
On the drawbridge!
Cris and the portcullis...
Would NOT want to be locked in here!
The walls of the cannons were so amazingly thick!

1 comment:

  1. i remember going there! we all went one summer when i was in jr high and it was well over 100 degrees--we felt like dying! and the poor workers had to stand there in the period wool suits! ick. i bet this time of year is much better :)
