So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Pregnancy Brain...

Before I became pregnant the only thing I was concerned with was having a cute pregger belly and getting to have a new baby after nine months.  Yes, somewhere in my brain I knew I would probably have some morning sickness, and part of me was terrified at the though of actually delivering the baby (I didn't let that part of my brain speak very often), but having a cute baby belly is really what I focused on most of the time...

Hmm, I wonder if I put peanut butter on my grocery list...

Oh, sorry, right, pregnant story.  Like I said I knew there were some other side effects, but they weren't real to me until I started experiencing some of them.  And then there are some, that I had no clue about, that I seriously think are kept a secret until you are already pregnant and can't back out! One of them is 'Pregnancy Brain'.  The best way I can describe it is...

Ooo, quesidillas sound good for super, I wonder if I have enough for both Chris and me?

Oh, right, the best way I can describe it is like suddenly coming down with a severe case of ADD.  I don't completely forget everything, its more like I get easily distracted ("Ooo Shiny!").  I usually come right back to what I was doing once I have pursued the distracting thought for a bit, but this can happen several times during a single conversation or project. Another way to describe it might be...

Opps, I forgot to brush my teeth again, I better do that real quick...  I wonder if Chris remembered, I better check...

Sorry, 'bout that.  Another way to describe it might be that my multitasking has been thrown into overdrive.  I often try to do more than one thing at a time but now its like I try to do six at a time, while noticing way too much of my surroundings (what's that smell?).  Which can leave me feeling either very accomplished or very frazzled at the end of the day.

Hmm, which link should I use to show them I'm not making this up...

I promise this is connected to pregnancy and the more I have talked to new Mom's the more confirmation I have received.  Additionally its is in a lot of the books and articles I have read, but it isn't something commonly shared with other people apparently...

Well, I lost it. Where was that link again?

Here is one of the links explaining what it is.  And in case you are getting ready to have a baby, or have a friend who's pregnant and seems like she's lost her mind, now you are warned about pregnancy brain!

Should I publish this tonight or later...

1 comment:

  1. lol--i've heard a lot about it. f/m what i've read it is much like my lovely "cfs brain" or "fibro brain". I wonder if I'll get worse or just be the same?? ;)
