So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Second Trimester!

Hello second trimester!  Chris took this for me on the 11th, the first day of my second trimester!  He took one a few days before that, but I was so bloated at the time that I looked quite a bit bigger than I usually do!

I have been looking forward to this trimester since pregnancy symptoms began.  Fortunately, I never had really severe morning sickness but the little I did have is all but gone!  In addition to diminishing morning sickness is an increase in appetite.  Hunger pains have become more frequent and sudden!  I can go from okay to starving in just a few minutes!  My energy has been slower coming back, but it is working back up to normal.

At our last appointment we were finally able to hear the heartbeat!  It was so fast! (158 in case you're curious!)  I tried to include a clip but it didn't want to work...

Lots of body changes have been going on, most of them unexpected for me!  Sometime in the future I plan to post about how the reality of pregnancy has differed from my expectations.  For now I'm thankful to be feeling well and that everything is going normal!


1 comment:

  1. They say the faster heartbeats are boys... (old wives tales - lol) =) Can't wait to find out!!!
