So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Renewed Awe...

Last night we attended a concert at our church.  The main attraction was Josh Wilson and he put on a great show - but that's not what impressed me most.  Opening for Josh was one of our own talented girls from Abundant Grace, and I mean absolutely gifted, I enjoy listening to Allie more than most professional artists.  One of the songs she preformed was 'You're Here' by Francesca Batistelli - while listening the significance of Christmas hit me like it hasn't in a long time.  It presented me with the reality of Christ as a child and what was knowingly sacrificed in sending Him to earth as a human child.  With Eb's birth so imminent I can literally imagine myself in Mary's place, holding that precious, perfect baby - and while I don't think Mary knew what was to come, the Lord did - AND HE DID IT ANYWAY.  I cannot fathom giving up my child for almost anything, let alone a bunch of people who weren't worthy, and who never could be worthy - but that's exactly what God did for us - to fix a mistake and heal a wound He didn't even initiate.  I was so overcome with gratitude and awe for what our Lord did for us.  How can we not fall at His feet and pour out our everything in worship to a God like this?

You're Here ~ Mary's Song ~ Francesca Battistelli

Hold on now, I gotta take a deep breath
I don't know what to say when I look in your eyes
You made the world before I was born
Here I am holding You in my arms tonight
Noel, Noel, Jesus our Emmanuel

You're here, I'm holding You so near

I'm staring into the face of my Savior, King and Creator
You could've left us on our own, but You're here

Don't know how long I'm gonna have You for

But I'll be watching when You change the world
Look at Your hands, they're still so small
Someday You're gonna stretch them out and save us all
Noel, Noel, God with us Emmanuel

You're here, I'm holding You so near

I'm staring into the face of my Savior, King and Creator
You could've left us on our own, but you're here... you're here

Someday I'm gonna look back on this

The night that God became a baby boy
Someday You're gonna go home again,
But You leave your spirit and flood the world with joy

You'll be here, I'm holding You so near

I'm staring into the face of my Savior, King and Creator
You could've left me on my own, but you're here... You're here
Hallelujah... You're here... Hallelujah... You're here

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