1. Cruise Control!
This is a carry over from our trip to FL but it also made my Monday much easier as I was driving Mom to Indy and back for adoption work!
Probably my number one favorite thing about this week is that strawberries are ripening at my Granddaddy's and we got our mouths (and taste buds) on the first batches this week! Chris and I were able to freeze enough for smoothies for the next couple months, have strawberries on toast, with cream cheese dip and in pie! Marvelous!
3. Borsch!
If you don't know Borsch is a vegetable soup made with winter vegetables and beef... and it is AMAZING home food! Since some of our family friends were coming in last week the kids wanted to introduce them to our favorite Ukrainian/ Russian meal. Super filling and comforting!
4. Company!
We were so blessed to have our former pastor and his family in this last weekend. I haven't seen them since Chris and my wedding and we really enjoyed their company. It was so encouraging to catch up on what was going on in their lives and just enjoy their company for a time!
5. Storms!
We had some awesome storms this last week and they are so fun to watch from under the covers! The kids especially enjoyed being with out power for a couple of hours, until they discovered it was still light enough to do school without the power!
6. Ice cream maker... need I say more? Once the bowl has been in the freezer for 12 hours simply add milk, sugar and vanilla and voila! Tasty Ice Cream! Milk from our own cows makes it extra creamy!
What made your week fabulous?
woohoo--great list! you made me want a strawberry lemon dessert...