So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Monday, August 30, 2010

So there was a lizard in my toilet yesterday....

I know its been an abysmally long time since I updated last and this won't be a full update but I had to share this story!

I was really sick Friday night so Chris recommended that I take a shower while he goes to walk our neighbor's dogs for them.  I had a fever and felt really cold so warming up sounded great.  After I got the water running I picked up the towel I wanted to use from the basket to set it on the toilet AND SOMETHING MOVED!!!!  In case you forgot, towels aren't supposed to move on their own!  I think I'm seeing things so I lean closer to get a better look and run from the room shrieking like a little girl (I don't know if all girls would have run shrieking but it's my best analogy) after seeing a baby yellow lizard flit over the towel and behind the toilet!  I curled up on the bed and called Chris on his cell while watching the bathroom door in case the lizard tried to leave.  He came up soon thereafter to inspect the bathroom, and after looking all over and even under the rugs he found no sign of the lizard.  I kept cringing every time I heard a thud because as much as I didn't want the lizard in my bathroom I also didn't want him dead... yeah its a weird girl thing.

After several assurances that Chris would stay with me I finally got my shower and got ready for bed.  Right before going to the bathroom however I saw movement once again, this time in the toilet!  After seeing me shrieking and running yet again Chris deduced the location of the lizard and quickly flushed the toilet!  He comforted me that he would rather flush it than hurt it while trying to capture it or loose it again while chasing it.

Crux of story, Chris is heroic, I'm afraid of little lizards, I survived one of my childhood fears (something jumping out of the toilet at me), and lizards can get into our apartment!

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