So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Glimpses of our new home!

You can just barely see our lake outside!
While its not quite ready for a close up yet, here is our new place! It is strange and exciting at the same time to be back. For those of you who dont know, my family lived here for six years right after our house burned down. Many of my first memories were made in this house and now my son's first memories will be here too! While I am enjoying the experience, it's still a rather odd sensation!

I am having fun picking out wall colors and other house things like replacement lanolium, but I can now understand a little better why all the choices involved in building a house would be overwhelming! Also we have a yard! It needs some cleaning up but I am so excited to get to landscape our own place! This is the first time in our married lives that we've had a yard and I'm trying really hard to pace myself with all the things u would like to do!

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