So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Oh Fall! How I've missed you!

Brisk mornings, coloring leaves, blue skies, pumpkins, apples, warm clothes and cozy quilts! Oh the excitement and anticipation that fills my chest! Each season has its wonder and glory, fresh every year, but fall sets my heart a glow every time. This year is especially sweet since I haven't experienced quite this dramatic of a change for over two years now. Don't get me wrong, Florida was lovely this time of year, after a sweltering summer you could finally enjoy being outside. But it was nothing like the transition I had come to know and love.

One of my favorite parts of Fall that I had nearly forgotten was the morning mist. Cool air moving over ground still warm from summer's kiss created beautiful, dense, morning fog, the kind that made the world look smaller and more mysterious. Rather than finding this mystery threatening, it is comforting to me. Like air wrapping the earth in her water vapor blanket to ward off the coming chill. It makes the whole world pause, be still, during those lingering fall mornings.

Waking up to the first of such mornings this year was like wrapping yourself on that old familiar quilt you thought you'd lost. Immediate comfort, peace and sense that all is right for a few moments.

Thank you fall, for such a lovely welcome back to the world of seasons.

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