So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Friday, February 22, 2013

It's a...


We are so surprised and pleased to announce that Evelyn Hope will be coming into the world on (hopefully) July 17, 2013!!!

Her ultrasound went wonderfully!  We got to see her tiny heart beat, her wiggles and confirm that everything looks just like it should.  She its right on target for her due date and, unlike her brother, she is a little on the small side (40th percentile) - which explains why she's been a little harder to feel, hopefully that also means she will be a successful VBAC!

I'm not sure why, but I'm so surprised we are having a girl!  I knew it was possible and was even kind of hoping for a girl this time, but I just had myself convinced this one was a boy.  I find myself telling Chris in awe over and over, "we're having a girl!".  I can't wait to see her pretty little face in a few short months!

We are so excited to start planning for our little girl!

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