So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Our week in pictures (12/25)

Evie in her battle station!

Baby post nap selfies.

How cute is my girl?!

Playing together...

Aaaanndd trying to feed her a cookie.

Eb is like Clark Kent, cute, unassuming and slightly nerdy...

Then the glasses come off and he's supes!

Sharing popsicles with Grandma has become tradition!

We opened presents at our house Christmas Eve, and the family came to share in the fun!

So overwhelmingly thankful...

Our magical tree...

Christmas at Grandpa's.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Our week in pictures (12/18)

My silly saint...

Playing while waiting on Mommy...

Aunt Kim had a full lap!

Evie loved her present!

So did Eb...

It even made him dance!

Pandora generously offered to help wrap presents!

Evie is becoming soo much more mobile - though most of her movement is circular :)