So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

our week in pictures (12-4)

After looking up some of my hygiene and beauty products on the Environmental Working Group's Data Base, Skin Deep, I decided we needed some drastic changes in our self care products.  Unfortunately I couldn't afford to completely replace all our products so I am trying to phase them out as I use them up.  The only exception was the babies' bath stuff - we threw out everything and switched to California Baby.  This week though I was tackling my shampoo and conditioner.  I tried straight Castille soap - which worked, but I didn't like how my hair felt in the shower.  So now I'm trying a combination of Castille, coconut milk, Tea tree oil and some nourishing oils.  Aaaannnd I used apple cider vinegar for a conditioning rinse.  Surprisingly, I like the ACV, jury's still out on the shampoo.

Eb talks on the phone like Daddy - pacing around the room!

Eb wanted to wear his aunt's gold head band and was dubbed Prince Ebenezer!

He was serving us 'pancakes' (and oven mitt on a spatula!)

Taking his puppy for a walk!

Shopping for our Christmas tree!

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