So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Our week in pictures (12/11)

Ebenezer and Chris enjoying their makeshift tent!

Evie in her bunting for the first time.

Getting ready to decorate our tree by making caramel corn!

Ah-MAZING finished product!

The master decorator.

He wanted all of the at the top!

Caramel corn is so yummy!

We had a perfect snowy day for decorating the tree!

Snuggling with kitty!

Most of the lovely snow we had while decorating the tree melted off - only to be replaced with even more snow... and ice!

The morning after that snow it was 6 - and that was when we woke up!

6 inches of snow - not even in the drift!

Amazing ice everywhere...

First sled ride of the year, with much help from Hannah and Dan!

Proof my hubby loves me!

Trying my hand at homemade wipes!

While Chris was at work I came in to find this!

He said "I'm going to work!"

He wanted me to fix his tie!

Oh hello...

Come closer...


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