So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Nothing as cute as a Beagle pup!

Jill couldn't hold still while she had her toy!
Mom and Dad recently got a pair of Beagle puppies for the boys to go rabbit hunting with.  They had some Tennessee Walkers for them to go raccoon hunting with before but they got too big for the kids to handle and were returned to the sellers.  The idea with the beagles is they will stay small and easy to handle even when grown up.  Additionally they are really friendly and will make great family dogs.  The trick is to keep them from running off!

Beagles love to go hunting on their own and, unless they have a good relationship with their handlers, will refuse to come when called once on a trail.  To try and form a good relationship with the dogs and the family these dogs get something almost no other Garland dog gets, to live inside!  The idea is that they will be around the family enough to like them and hopefully listen to them more.  The advantage for the rest of us is that we get to see and play with them quite often!  They are a brother and sister, the boy's name is Jack and the girl is (you guessed it!) Jill.  Dad has always felt it good to keep hunting dog's names to one syllable so you can give them commands more quickly.

Mmmm, Rope!
Hannah, our biggest dog lover by far, has taken much of the responsibility for the pups by letting them in and out, feeding them and cleaning up after them too.  And boy do they love playing with her!  Near Christmas we got them some rope toys, and even though there were two of them they found it much more fun to fight over one or the other.  I don't think any serious injuries have been sustained, but they sure sound serious when they fight!  Even though she is smaller Jill is definitely the boss and more vocal.  Pandora was not a fan and fled to safety whenever the pups were in the kitchen!  Hope you enjoy these pics as much as we enjoyed the pups!

Hannah took refuge when the pups got rambunctious!

Jack was itchy!

My Toy!

Jack the chunker!

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