So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Monday, January 3, 2011


The old apple tree...
Feel free to laugh or moan, but weeks before heading to Mom and Dad's I began to pray for lots of snow during our trip North!  I think snow is one of the most beautiful parts of the changing of the seasons as ordained by our Lord!  Just think, no two snow flakes in the history of the world are the same (just like no two people are ever exactly the same)!  That is so hard for me to wrap my mind around, especially since conditions must be just right in order for snow to fall in the first place.  One would think similar conditions would produce a similar product, but our God is so much bigger and more creative than that!

I was on the lookout for the first signs of snow as soon as we hit Atlanta on our way North, but didn't see any until north of Chattanooga.  We just saw patches until getting close Lexington, that's when the ice started!  I'm sure it caused problems for folks when it fell, but the way it coated everything along the road was just gorgeous!  It turned the briars in the fences into glazed works of art and the trees into crystal statues.  Once north of Lexington the ice disappeared and was replaced by more and more snow. Thankfully the roads were great all the way, even up the hill!

Puppy prints in the snow...
On our third day we got a fresh snow and though I didn't think it was possible my excitement increased!  I had almost forgotten how fresh snow outlines all of the branches on a tree and all the clusters on a bush.  It is almost like God planned for the snow to enhance the architecture of the trees while them seem so naked and barren to some people.  On our way to Grandpa's I just kept drinking in the sight of the snow and got even more of a treat to see the rocks and boulders in the creeks highlighted by the snow and surrounded by the dark water... so yes I'm rambling, did I tell you I was excited about the snow?!?

Here are some of the sights I was able to savor while at Mom and Dad's...

Old Ice Man

I loved how snow sat on the fences.

The hay-barn and corral.

One of the old tobacco barns...

Along the drive-way...

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The bat wing bush hog

One of the discs.


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