So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Grand Getaway: Part 3

 Day three was a laid back day spent at camp and finding Chris and I a new tent!  We though we used our tent last time we went camping, but were sorely disappointed when our air mattress barely fit!  As we discussed this with Mom we remembered that last time we borrowed the boys tent and they slept in ours.

Learning to play Yahtzee!
Day four was time for our next adventure, and this was going to be a new one for us all, we were going rafting!  We had to get to the site early and then ride in a bus to the launch spot.  To help keep our feet a little warmer in the icy water some of us rented water socks.  We were also getting two one-person kayaks.  I was really nervous about going for an accidental swim, fortunately the only swimming done was on purpose!  The route we were taking was mostly scenic with just a couple level one rapids, the boys were a little disappointed at first, but after experiencing a level one I think they were content we weren't on any bigger ones!
Oh Yeah! Watersocks!

The fearless paddles in my raft, Beth and Chris...

And Debbo...

And Mom, our navigator!

The kayaks were a big hit!

Dad kept the less experienced rows and worked them into a great crew!

Debbo on her intentional dip!

Everyone but mom and I took a turn in the kayaks!
Stopping for lunch.

Lunch on the sandbar!

I really started popping while we were out west!

Beth took Hannah in the kayak with her and she loved it!

It took Alex a long time before he wanted to try, but loved kayaking once he was in!

At the end of our long day we did some much needed laundry and rented a hotel room just for the shower!  Overall it was definitely an experience we plan to repeat!

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