So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Our new daily sights!

So this will be mostly pictures, but for those who have never been to our farm you can see what we now get to see every day!
Since we own property on both sides of the county road the cattle often cross from one side to the other to go to fresh pasture and come back to be milked.  And yes Mom bought a specific sign for her Jerseys in case you can't tell!

I just wanted a picture of the girls grazing but they were all curious and had to come snif the camera for themselves!

The cows have been in a hoop barn on a dry lot for the last couple of months so they won't damage the pasture while the grass isn't growing.  They were allowed out on fresh pasture for the fist time this year and you have never seen happier cows!

You know its Spring when the daffodils come out!

The roosters had to be let out at the same time as the hens (we were working on the chicken houses), so lots of challenges were issued and defended yesterday.

I love Cochin chickens!  When they are bent over eating bugs or grass they look like they are wearing bloomers because their leg and tail feathers are so fluffy.

One of Mom's handsome men!

Daniel and Andrew recently received a pair of gorgeous coon dog pups.  They love to get in your face and sniff you all over.  Obviously they wanted to figure out the camera and got extra close!

Isn't she so pretty!  This is Kate and her sister is Beth!

 Andrew and his pretty girl!  He has recently developed a passion for coon hunting, when one of my Granddaddy's friends found out he was so tickled that he gave the boys a pup each!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE all these pictures! It makes me want to visit your farm...I think Butch would like to make friends with the cows ;)
