Gah! My house is no longer looking like my house! We are making quick progress through the packing process. It was really hard when we first started packing, this has been our only home since we got married and lots of good memories have been made here, thus a few tears were shed as we began, but this was never meant to be our permanent home.
One of the bigger challenges is determining what clothes we are going to need for the 'layover' at my parents house. The weather is really starting to change but its not quite warm enough to give up all of my winter clothes! In addition Pandora is SO confused, some days she seems excited about all the boxes and new places she can go, other days I think she is stressed out. She was given up to the shelter because her first family couldn't take her with them when they moved, I can't help but wonder if she remembers that.
Emotionally I am doing much better with the whole moving prospect. Like I said the first few days were really hard but now I am looking forward to getting everything packed up and ready to go.... I think this is partly because once it is packed up I won't feel so claustrophobic with all the boxes and mess around! I'm still nervous about the coming changes, but conformations continue to pour in and they are soothing my heart. Well back to the boxes I go!
love that picture of you! ;)