So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Chris and Kirk waiting for the boat to take us to the park!
We had a huge blessing shortly after my birthday, we found out our good friend Kirk was coming to Orlando to visit Disney with his grandparents!  Orlando is only a couple hours away from us so we were looking forward to going and getting dinner with him and his family!  Four days before we were to go and see him he told us that if we could be there for at least five hours his Dad would pay for our tickets to Disney!!!  I had an exam in Biochemistry that morning so I got up and took it as early as I could and then we were off!  Kirk was a wonderful host and knew all the in's and out's of the park along with a lot of its history.  It was fun to meet his grandparents, especially hid grandma who had a big hand in raising him.

Belle and the beast in plant form.
I haven't been to Disney in a long time so I was worried that I wouldn't enjoy it as much as when I was little, but they work hard to make it fun for everyone who goes and we were there on a perfect day, it was gorgeous outside and not very busy.  We only had one line to wait in and it was only a few minutes.  The whole place was well laid out, amazingly landscaped and impeccably clean. One of the neatest things was trying different sodas from around the world, I liked the watermelon soda from China! It made me giggle every time someone working there wishing me a "Magical Day" though!!!

I always liked these formal gardens...

Trying to be vikings after the Norway ride...


Kirk's grandma kept trying to run over him!

"The Earth" had tons of hydroponic plants.

Lettuce growing hydroponically.


Herbs in spiral hydroponics!

I got vertigo on the ride here...

Chris as R2D2 Mickey!

Kermit Mickey was too fun to pass a picture up with!

Nemo with Flat Patty (Flat Stanley's cousin)

The big Epcot Ball!  It was pretty @ night!

1 comment:

  1. i knew you would love the living with the land ride! my mom loved it so much!
