So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Thanksgiving in Florida

University of Florida only gets the day of Thanksgiving and the day after off of school so we didn't feel like we had time to go to any celebrations up North.  While I enjoy cooking, I must admit making a whole Thanksgiving meal for just the two of us seemed a little over the top!  Chris and I considered going to a buffet for Thanksgiving, but were then invited to my adviser's home to celebrate with her family and some other graduate students.  I was a little apprehensive about being in such close contact with my adviser but curious at the same time.  We found out that almost all of the graduate students I knew in the department were coming as well.  I was really looking forward to meeting my adviser's little girl, I've heard lots of stories of how cute and conversational she is.

Before going to my adviser's house we decided to try watching a movie on Thanksgiving day.  We went to see Tangled and had such a good time that I think it will now be a tradition for us!  There weren't many people at all in the theater even though the movie had just released, it was great to be able to sit wherever we wanted even though we weren't very early!  I also highly recommend Tangled by the way, it was lots of fun and high energy, we will probably buy it when it comes out, quite a rarity for us!

We had a nice evening and an amazing meal!  There was turkey (a staple), standing rib roast (!), green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, cranberry salad and lots of other dishes!  Apparently they usually have standing rib roast at Christmas, but since Mercy is due so close to Christmas she was worried she wouldn't be able to enjoy it then.  In addition to all of the staples we also had potato salad (a new one for me), and something like potstickers that Mercy's Mom made for an appetizer.

Mercy's daughter, Lilly, was a doll and absolutely loved having people over to her house!  As soon as we got there she wanted us to come play with her on her play set, we swung, climbed and slid until I was ready for a drink.  By that time more guests had arrived so she proceeded to coerce them into playing as well!  It was interesting to have a glimpse into my adviser;s home life and nice to see my office mates outside of school.  I must say it was strange to be able to sit out on the deck in 80*F weather while waiting for dinner to finish!  Don't get me wrong, it was nice, but very strange when I'm used to the possibility of snow Thanksgiving day!

The day after Thanksgiving I headed to Publix thinking they would have their turkeys on sale... apparently Publix doesn't do that.  I got us a turkey anyway because one of Chris' favorite parts of Thanksgiving is leftover turkey sandwiches!  I remembered to thaw the turkey BEFORE cooking it this year and we had turkey to eat for weeks!  We made leftover turkey sandwiches, turkey pot pie, turkey noodle soup and turkey with all kinds of sides!  I am so tired of turkey that I don't want any for Christmas!

Ultimately, our favorite part of Thanksgiving this year was being able to stay home and rest together over the long weekend.


  1. We were really grateful you had a place to go and share the day, but we really missed you and Chris being with us!

  2. i kinda like having holiday things w/just the two of us--we crammed both families into thanksgiving day but then had the rest of the weekend to just be together, and today my family went to paducah but we stayed home and it really was the best Christmas ever! glad you got some good fellowship too!

  3. "Hanging out" with faculty members has been a strange, new concept to me. According to my labmate, this is the time to network and to think of your professors as your future peers. I'm still not 100% with that idea yet....

    Our department has quarterly "Plant Social" evenings at local breweries, professor's homes, etc, etc. It's a nice opportunity to get out of the lab (or field), and meet people (or have a reunion with people you haven't seen all semester!).
