So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Already Two Months Old!

When Eb was first born, six weeks and the changes promised at that time seemed so far away and 12 weeks seemed impossible - but here we are, ten weeks later!  It has been an eventful month for Ebenezer, he now smiles every day (and melts his Mommy and Daddy's hearts every time!), has excellent focus on things that are in his line of site, is trying really hard to reach out and grab things (but right now the best he can do is bat at things within reach), pulls his hands to his mouth and chews on them, tries to grab his toes during diaper changes, tries to use his tummy muscles to pull himself into a sitting position, has short (adorable) 'conversations' with Mommy and Daddy, is growing more hair back (still has a bit of the 'old man ring' though), started drooling and sleeps at least six hours most nights and up to nine on occasion!

At his two Month appointment on Monday (3/26 - 9 weeks old) Eb weighed 16 lbs 1 oz (99th percentile for weight) and was 25 inches long (96th percentile)!  It was time to start making decisions about his vaccinations, but since we will be moving soon we have decided to wait until we are settled before starting any vaccines.  If possible our baby boy continues to wrap himself tighter around our heartstrings!  We could not be more grateful for every moment we get with him!

Here are some pictures from the last month or so - we have a ton, but of course they don't all fit!

Learning how to use the moby wrap!

Loving on Daddy! (2/15/2012)

Sleepy mornings...

We get pretty creative if it means keeping him asleep!

Growing (3/9/2012)

Not too sure about this Mom...

Oh, there's Dad! Maybe this isn't so bad.
First Sunday at church! (3/11/2012)

"Why is there a cat on my foot?"

More morning snuggles!

How charming can you get?!? (3/14/2012)
Two Months! (3/20/2012)

Hanging with Uncle!

Loving on Grandma! (3/24/2012)

Learning how to play from the pros!
Eb likes napping in the big bed!

10 weeks! (3/20/2012)

Pandora still wants to be the baby!
Hopefully I can do a better job keeping up this next month!  Goal: More pictures!

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