So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Friday, March 9, 2012

You Might be a Momma If...

In my considerably brief experience of motherhood I have found myself doing things that I would have considered silly (at the least), strange (at the best) and gross (at the worst) before Eb was born - but they are now par for the course.

I've decided this would be a fun on going series, since I am continually learning and new things crop up every day! This might be a weekly post... Or just whenever I remember ;)

So, to kick things off...

You might be a Momma if - your son falls asleep on a pillow and you, desperate not to wake him because you need a nap too, rig pillows, blankets and anything else at you service, to secure him... Kind of like this...

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