So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Hello Aunt Flow!

Welcome to another potentially TMI post! Just like some of my pregnancy posts I'm giving you a chance to back out now in case you are concerned about learning more than you ever wanted to know about me!

One of my most common questions to other nursing Mom's had been 'when did your fertility return?' Like everything else, I learned the answer to this question is as individual as those people I was asking! That didn't keep me from asking though! For some reason it gave me security to expand my knowledge base. Even though I knew my body would act totally independent of any predictions I made, the illusion of knowing what was going on made me feel better. :) If you are expanding your own knowledge base I thought it only would be neighborly to share my experience, plus I want to remember for later because my brain has been proven very unreliable!

On the 23rd of August, just a few days after Eb turned 7 months, I had ovulation pains - something I've never experienced before. September 2nd Aunt Flow returned full throttle and normal. As you know from Eb's updates he started tastes of solids the day after his seven month B-day, but it was in no way displacing his nursing frequency. Also, he has not been sleeping through the night since teething really kicked in at about 3 and 1/2 months. I mention these because they are the two most common events associated with fertility (introduction of solids and sleeping through the night). Age is also part of fertility rebound, with most women regaining full fertility around 6 months even if they are still exclusively nursing. So whichever combination worked for my body, it resulted in Aunt Flow returning from her year + sabbatical.

Strange, TMI, maybe a little icky, but that's where we are now!

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