So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Friday, November 15, 2013

You Might Be a Momma if... Cherishing Evie

... while rocking and burping your beautiful baby girl you are suddenly and painfully aware of how fleeting this exact moment is - with that realization comes a desperate plea to the Lord to help you remember just what this feels like - her tiny body completely relaxed against your chest, her little arm limply hanging off your shoulder, how her downy little head fits so perfectly in your cupped hand, her incredibly soft and kissable cheeks, the precious knuckle dimples on the hand curled around your finger, her round diaper bottom in your hand, the reassuring sound of her breathing by your ear, the overwhelming joy and responsibility of caring for her every need and nourishment, her slightly pouty relaxed mouth, the complete peace of her at rest in my arms.  Thank you Lord!  Please help me not only remember these moments when they are gone but also soak them up, appreciate and fully live in them now.  Please help me distinguish between the truly important and merely urgent details of life so that I don't miss any opportunity to cherish these amazingly sweet moments you have blessed me with.  Please let me not be distracted from these moments by the frivolities that pull so incessantly at my heart and mind - help me to instead be captivated by these beautiful lives you have entrusted me with so I can look back on this time with joy and contentment - not regret.

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