For those of you who don't know exactly how this option came about below is the Florida story!
Last semester my adviser, and several other professors, were encouraging me to explore the option of a PhD if I had any interest at all in ever pursuing one. Their reasoning was that if I put it off it would either never happen, or not happen for a long time. I did have some desire and knew their logic was sound (I mean, really, after I have babies a dissertation will not be high on my priority list!). Chris and I talked and prayed about it and decided that we would open doors and see which ones God closed. Well He closed the doors for Oregon, Washington, Michigan and North Carolina, four of the five universities we explored. Either the professors I liked were full of students, I would need a 1500 GRE or be a single mom or something tragic like that! Florida however, responded positively, they had a program I was interested in and an excellent reputation for Horticulture. I applied, started communicating with a potential adviser and waited to see what would happen next.
During this time I became unreasonably afraid of this decision. I assumed it was either me being my chicken self, or possibly God letting me know this was a bad decision. On the eve of our trip down I realized I was being followed by a spirit of fear and had one of the craziest spiritual battles of my life, in which I enlisted backup in the form of Mom and Dad, who were still awake at the time. That encouraged immensely, but I am still distrustful of my emotions.
We were able to visit the university on a minorities trip that would reimburse some of our expenses. Odd as it sounds I would be a minority in my field because I am a woman, that didn't keep Chris and I from feeling awkward as the only white people on the trip! During this time we were able to find out how much they estimated it would cost for an out-of-state student to attend... lets just say that without some serious financial aid I was not going to get my PhD. I should mention that before Chris and I went we decided that if we had to go into pretty much any debt for this it was not an option, that would be our version of a closed door. We also were able to meet my potential adviser, see where we would be working and discuss details. She informed us that if I were accepted they would hopefully offer me at least an assistant-ship, and at UF if you get an assistant-ship your tuition is waived!
Overall we really liked Gainseville, UF and my adviser, which was a bit of a surprise to me because I was really expecting to get down there and get some form of "no" through the atmosphere or adviser. During later communication I expressed my concern over receiving a large enough assistant-ship to support us during our time at UF and my adviser assured me she would try to get the amount I requested.
Earlier this week I received an email from her (my adviser) double checking my phone number and if she could call me. She was letting me know that I would be getting a letter in the mail next week with my acceptance and a fellowship (I think that's what it was called) for the amount I requested, along with tuition waiver and the option of health insurance!!!
So if that isn't a "Yes, duh, Diana! This is where I want you!" from God I don't know what would be!
During this time Chris was accepted to an online university, so he will be getting his next degree with me. We also talked extensively about baby timing, which was one of the things holding me back from this decision, and we determined that whether I get this degree or not we would start trying about the same time.
So now we are moving on this decision and trusting God that He is holding this door open for us. Chris is super excited... I am waffling, some days I am excited, but most I am still struggling with the fear of the unknown and fear of loneliness. But recognizing those fears as a lack of trust is helping me to slowly overcome them.
We won't actually be in Florida until sometime in June or July, but we are leaving our apartment before that and crashing with wonderful family for the in-between time. This has helped my heart immensely since I will get plenty of family time before moving.
So, if anyone is heading to Florida soon, give us a shout! It will delight us to have you!