So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Praise God for Tozer!

Obviously moving to Florida was not my first choice but Chris and I both felt like this was where God was leading us and He opened some amazing doors in the process... that doesn't mean I have to be happy about it does it?  Well, God has been teaching me through the humble wisdom of Tozer some of the reasons I am really unhappy, and that they aren't very good reasons.  The biggest reason is (surprise, surprise!) fear, granted they are all different kinds of fears but they all boil down to fear.  Fear of the unknown, fear of looking (or realizing I am) stupid, fear of not being accepted, fear of not doing everything perfectly, fear of not knowing when we get to have babies, or if we will get to have babies, fear, fear, fear.

A lot of these boil down to fear of the unknown, and consiquently not trust God for the things I don't know about, but instead thinking that if I plan and fret enough I can make it all turn out O.K.  How egotistic am I, right?  As Tozer says, "This is a tragic waste of truth and never gives rest to the heart."  Thankfully Tozer has the ability to put me in my place.  After reading the chapter on the Wisdom of God, in The Knowledge of the Holy, I was reminded of how little I know and how infinite God's knowledge is.  More importantly than that though, He desires our good and uses His knowledge to achieve our good.  He alone can make perfect plans and bring those plans to fruition.  And He doesn't have to let us in on how its all going to work ahead of time either.  "Our insistence on seeing ahead is natural enough, but it is a real hindrance to our spiritual progress.  God has charged Himself with full responsibility for our eternal happiness and stands ready to take over the management of our lives the moment we turn to Him in faith."  After all this is the same God who lights the way for our feet, not the God who shines a floodlight on our future.  He shows us all we need to know for today.  All I need to know for today is that God wants me in Florida, and to do my best where He has placed me so that I bring glory to His name.  I must trust His promise, "I will go before thee, and make crooked places straight: I will break in pieces gates of brass, and cut in sunder bars of iron: and I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the Lord, which call the by name, am the God of Israel."

With a God like that going before me what do I have to fear?  He has brought me here for His glory, and His plans do not fail.  "With the goodness of God to desire our highest welfare, the wisdom of God to plan it, and the power of God to achieve it, what do we lack?  Surely we are the most favored of all creatures."

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Our New Apartment!

Yay! Red kitchen!
 It has been a long road to get here but here is our new place!  We have gotten the kitchen and bathrooms repainted and an accent wall in the living room.  We are almost done unpacking and slowly this is becoming home!
Kitchen to Living Room view.

Little dining area!

Guest Bath turned out Really Blue!

Main Bath

Master bedroom and view... Guest bed is still messy...

Back window view. Don't you expect to see a monkey?  

Thursday, July 1, 2010


When my parents went to Ukraine for the first time they discovered an amazing soup called Borsch.  I really didn't want to try it when Mom made it the first time because it had beets as one of the ingredients... but I did and it has become one of my favorites EVER!
It is now one of my 'home foods' that Mom makes almost every time we go to her house!  Just in case you are curious it has roast beef, potatoes, carrots, celery, beets, onions, cabbage and tomatoes.  You can either boil the roast to make a beef broth or boil the vegetables in water to make more of a vegetable broth.  This is a great winter soup (since all of those veggies store well) but we got to make it from veggies fresh from the garden, all we had to purchase was the celery (we haven't tried growing celery yet!).  It was marvelous!  Hope you can try something new this week! Maybe you will find a new favorite! 

Memories of a Grown-Up Cookie Lover

When asking my Dad what kind of cookies he wanted this last week, I was expecting him to ask for a tradition choice like chocolate chip or peanut butter.  But when told I would make him whatever he wanted he proceeded to tell me about a cookie my Granny made for him when he was 5 years old.  They must have made quite an impression!  They were shaped like an owl's face with a cashew for the nose, the outside was peanut butter and the inside was chocolate and they had chocolate chips for eyes.  

After I realized how cool these had been to him I was off on a search for the recipe, since I'd never had them before! Most of the recipes had vanilla on the outside and chocolate on the inside so I replaced the vanilla with a refrigerator peanut butter cookie. Dad really liked them and said they tasted like he remembered!  They still need some practice but were really fun!

Adoption Update: We have a date!!!

Mom and Dad got a travel date!  They will be leaving for Ukraine July 11th!!!  They are super busy preparing and delegating farm jobs and kids time with friends and family.  I have lots of other things to update you on but none as important as this!!!  Their return date will depend upon whether the judge waives the 10 day waiting period or not.  If the waiting period is not waived they won't get back until around August 10th.  BUT hopefully it will be waived and they will be back at the end of July!  Please pray for safe travel, God's guidance, and swift return for my parents!