So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

"He's Still Working on Me"

Do you remember the song, any of us who went to Sunday School or VBS would sing, "He's still workn' on me"?  I used to enjoy that song mostly because of the hand movements that went with it, even though my Granny did a great job explaining what the song meant and how cool it was.  Well now that I'm grown up I realize what an amazing encouragement it can be to know that "God's still working on me, to make me what I ought to be".  I was reminded of this song while listening to Brandon Heath's "Wait and See" song on the radio.

I love the line "There is hope for me yet, because God won't forget, the plans He's made for me, you'll have to wait and see, He's not finished with me yet".  I love it because sometimes I feel like there is no hope for me, like I've made that mistake one too many times, but that is a lie of Satan!  There is always hope for me!  I also like this line because of the emphasis on God's plans for me. I often question the purpose of us being in Florida, but this is a gentle reminder that God has a plan for our lives and Florida happens to be a part of that plan right now. 

Finally that line is encouraging to me because God doesn't expect us to be perfect right now.  He expects improvement, but sanctification is a process, and it emphasizes the fact that God has an ultimate purpose, or goal, for our lives.  Anyway, this was uplifting to me so I hope it can be encouraging to you!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for sharing this :) i've been going over a lot of this type of stuff w/the Bible study girls lately. Especially learning to yield to the Lord and abide in Him. Trusting & waiting are so hard but it is so freeing that it is ultimately in His hands!
