So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Learning Something New: Segways!

We got to hang out with some friends from our church this weekend and learn something new at the same time! Our campus provides lots of free entertainment for the students on Friday night and as long as you have an ID you can get friends in too!  We got to watch a movie, have popcorn and soda, and pretend we were seven by sliding down a giant inflatable slide, all for free!  In addition to this we all got to learn how to ride a segway! I've seen these all over the place and always been fascinated that people don't fall over on them.  I was excited but also hesitant.

Turns out its a lot easier (and more fun) than I thought it would be!

To keep everybody safe the instructor had turned down the speed of the segways, they can go a lot faster than we were able (which was already pretty fast!).  Because of the slower speed though we joked that we were all moving in 'turtle mode', John decided demonstrating was better than describing!

When we were finished I was so excited to get a segway... until I found out what they cost.  I wasn't that excited I guess!

All in all we had a great evening that needs to be repeated soon!

1 comment:

  1. be careful! my mother in law broke her arm on one of those this summer...
