So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

And its a...


We found out during our much anticipated ultrasound last week that we hare going to have a healthy little boy!  Chris and I both agree the most important thing for us was that our baby be healthy, not that it be a particular gender... but I think we are both excited to have a boy first.  I always wanted a big brother and this way our subsequent children will get to have a big brother! Here are pictures  of our new little man!

Flying Side Kick! Hi-YA!

While I have been reassured by many new Moms that the weight predictions aren't always reliable, according to his measurements he is a little big for his size.  As of last Friday a 'typically developing' baby would be around 11-12 ounces, and he was 14!  We feel so incredibly blessed that everything "looks like it should" for his age and he is still right on track for the predicted due date of January 7th!

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