So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Monday, September 12, 2011

What to call Grandparents?

Picking something for my parents to be called is a new challenge for me.  I have very good and immediate associations with most of the grandparent names I am familiar with, so having my parents called by those names seems a little odd.  For example, I have/had a Grandma, Grandpa, Granny, Granddaddy, Ma'maw, and Pa'paw, and those are all still present in my mind even though some of them have passed.

With Chris' Dad and Step-Mom the dilemma seems to have been resolved for us.  Since this is not their first grandchild, they have already been designated Mamoo and Papoo.  His Mom and Step-Dad don't have as firm distinctions yet, so we may get to find something new for them too.

Some people have said 'Just wait and see what they call them on their own'.  But I don't think a child would create one of these names on their own without first hearing them - and probably hearing them regularly.  I think it more likely that - like us - they will call someone by the name they are introduced as... so the questions still remains.  By what name will we introduce our parents to our new baby?

Any suggestions?  We would love to hear them!

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