So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Yep, we're still kicking...

Sorry I haven't posted in a while!  With school starting up Chris and I have been running non-stop.  Chris is busy with his online class and preparing for another intensive coming up this Fall, he is also on the hunt for an internship.  Even though he doesn't plan on really starting until the first of the year, he needs to get started with interviews and such now just because of all the paper work that needs completed for him to get credit.  I am trying to maintain my sanity between a heavier than expected class load and an ever growing list of things that need done for my project before Eb comes along.  

This semester I am taking a Weed Management course... somehow I made it through six years and two degrees (in Horticulture mind you) without a single weeds class.  I really felt like this was a hole in my education so I was actually the one who asked to take this class - its not one my committee 'strongly recommended', like my plant anatomy which I am also taking this semester.  Both of these classes have great promise to be fun and interesting, but they are seriously time consuming.  I spend a total of six hours every week in Plant Anatomy lab alone, not counting lecture or study time for that class.  On the up side I think I might have found an undergraduate through this class who is willing to help me with some of the lab work yet to be finished in my peaches.  The third class I am in is Seminar Prep.  This is just a basic seminar class where we present a scientific paper as our own.  It shouldn't be too bad and I already have one of the seminars out of the way.

As far as research goes... the list is a little depressing so I won't lay it all out for you.  Let's just say I am working hard to prioritize and accept it might not all get done, while trying to find the motivation to get as much of it possible done.

So while it is working up to be a potentially overwhelming semester, I keep reminding myself that this is just a season, and soon I will be starting a an entirely new season when our little boy gets here!

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