So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Week Three: Mamoo and Papoo

 Eb's third week was a busy one with lots of company and of course growing!  Here is a picture of his second (or third?) bath at home.  The first involved a lot more crying so we waited on photos until he had a more peaceful experience!

Before the rest of our company arrived Granddaddy and Shelby came to visit again, because, as Granddaddy said, once my Dad arrived no one else would get to hold Eb!

During this time Chris and Deborah were my expert chefs!  They did a wonderful job and have learned a lot of new recipes!

We really think Eb hit a growth spurt around this time and I was trying to show how long he was already!

I just cannot get enough snuggle time with my boy!

Joe and Shirley arrived for a short visit during this week and got lots of good cuddles in with their newest grandbaby!

Chris has been so amazing and supportive - many nights when Eb is up eating into the wee hours of the morning he has stayed up to keep me company and get me whatever I need... sometimes you just can't stay awake any longer though and Pandora was more than happy to keep him company!

Papoo (Joe) holding Eb and showing off his oh-so-cute baby toes!

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