So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Fun Baby Nic-names

Yep, it's happened. I have officially joined millions of mothers around the world who cannot speak normally to their baby. I can't even call him by his correct name most of the time. It just seems so much more appropriate to call him things like 'Bubby', 'Sweetpea', 'Baby Boy', 'Honey Buns', 'Babies' (yes, like there are multiple of him), 'Snuggly-man' and 'Stinker Winker'. Oh, and let's not forget the more official names, like 'Hound Dog', 'Froggy Legs' and the recently acquired 'Killer' due to his eating habits when especially hungry.

Why does a smart, post-grad woman use such silly names? I'm sure some of it is connected to sleep deprivation, but I really think its because his cuteness just evokes profuse cooing and these words just happen to bubble to the surface. Such a beautiful, snugly, perfect little person just breaks his mother's vocabulary because she doesn't have the words to express how cute, cuddly, wonderful, oh-so-schweet-and-ooo-sch-coo - erm, yeah, sorry 'bout that. I think you get the idea! :)
I mean, really, how can you not gush over someone so cute?