So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Great is Thy Faithfulness!

Do you ever feel like God is in control of the big things, like moves, job choices and children, but leaves the details, the 'little things', up to us and chance?  I do on occasion and I love it when God corrects me by showing how He wants to care for me through the 'little things' too!

We are going to be moving in about a week and as things pile up we try to prioritize and knock down what is absolutely necessary, saving what we can for after the move.  Knowing what a planner I am it has been stressful not knowing exactly where all the tasks were going to get accomplished - then drama hit! (Que the dramatic music!)  While chomping away on some Easter gum I felt an unusual crunch and then something came loose... that something was this...

... my crown I had done in Bowling Green probably five years ago.

Stress does not begin to cover the emotions that raced successively through me at that moment.  The internal montage went something like this...  "We do not have a dentist in Florida - for that matter we hadn't been to a dentist in YEARS.  Where do we go? How much is this going to cost? When I got the crown originally it was quite expensive - and time consuming.  We don't really have a week to repeat that process all over again.  Do I wait until we are in Indiana?  Can I get a temp here and finish up there?  Its seven o'clock at night, I can't call any dentists to get these questions answered - and Chris made some wonderful lasagna, am I going to be able to eat it?"

I Facebook-ed some of my Gainesville friends and they came to the rescue with local dentist suggestions and called Mom to pray that this could be solved quickly and cheaply.  Chris called the next morning and found a dentist that could see me in a few hours.  They said as long as the crown wasn't cracked all they would have to do was re-cement it.  Praise God it wasn't cracked!  He cleaned out the old cement, dried off my tooth and cemented the crown back on!  No needles, no waiting for a new crown and a bill we were able to pay without much stress!

How cool is it that we have a God who cares about the details - including our teeth?

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