So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Just strolling along...

Until it is time to leave for IN I have been watering on campus once a week.  During this time Chris hangs out with Eb in the car, and if Eb is doing good we take a walk around Lake Alice.  This last week (3/31) I got to play around with a new application my friend Adrienne gave me called Hipstamatic, and below are the fun results!  Can you believe my baby is 10 weeks old!?!

Imprints in the side walk around the church...

I didn't know Florida could grow these kinds of Irises!

The beautiful chapel near Lake Alice.

Walks make Eb sleepy...

Trying to decide if we were going to get rained on...

Yummy finger Mom!

"Why do you keep pointing that at me?"

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