So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

You Might be a Mommy If...

While on your way to an Easter egg hint at church you stop at Publix to get orajel for your fussy, teething son. When Chris headed into Publix, he left a moderately fussy baby and an in control Mommy. When he came back he found a screaming baby and a Mommy who tried-to-nurse-baby-to-soothe-him-because-he-had-started-crying-harder-but-he-didn't-want-to-nurse-so-she-tried-to-give-him-Tylenol-but-he-spit-it-all-out-and-over-the-place-so-now-she-is-stressed-and-worried-that-something-worse-than-teething-is-wrong-and-milk-is-squirting-everywhere-and-she-is-starting-to-c-c-crryyyy!

Chris made the executive decision that a nap was needed badly by all and we should probably skip the egg hunt and head home - and the baby fell sound asleep as we drove home...

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