So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Saturday, June 16, 2012


Quail have been a fun part of my life since I was little.  One of my first memories that I know is truly mine (not one someone told me about that I think is mine) is actually in the new house we are at now!  I remember playing in the kitchen and hearing quail calling outside, that was actually how I first learned to whistle because I wanted to ‘talk’ back to the ‘Bob White’!  It has been a pleasant surprise to find that the quail are still here!  I honestly haven’t thought much about them until I started dreaming about them.

I don’t usually put much stock in my dreams.  Don’t get me wrong, I believe the Lord still chooses to speak through dreams and know many people who have experienced this – I’m just not one of them.  I’ve only had one dream that I felt like was from the Lord, it wasn’t prophetic, just comforting.  Most of my dreams are just that, dreams - my unconscious mind working through the day’s events, often in weird confusing ways that I don’t remember five minutes after I wake up. (Or in the case of nightmares, I can usually directly relate them to something I’ve been reading.)

This dream I had a few nights ago is different, I’m still not sure it means anything, but it filled me with hope (that I didn’t realize I was lacking) and keeps popping back up in my mind, clear as a bell.  Let me know what you think…

In my dream I am out in an open area like a field, talking with someone (still don’t know who) about how pleased we are that the quail population is recovering.  We have both heard that there are a lot more quail in the area, and we’ve heard them calling every now and then, but we are disappointed that we haven’t actually seen any.  Just as we make that comment the scene shifts and I can see a stream that runs through a wheat field.  As I watch a mail quail comes out of the wheat and starts drinking from the stream, then he’s joined by two females, then I can see a pheasant on its way to the stream also!  I remember feeling elated and full of hope right before I wake up.

As I said I’m not sure there is any particular significance, or that there needs to be, but it did make for a wonderful start to my day!

How about you?  Any interesting dreams lately?  Do you think they have significance or are they just dreams?

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