So many changes are around the corner, I want to keep you updated on what's going on!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Six Years...

Six years ago today I married my amazing husband.  A lot has happened since then, not all of it easy, but I wouldn't take back one single day of any of it. 

Over the last six years we have prayed, laughed and grown together.  The passion we felt for each other six years ago hasn't diminshed, but it has changed, matured - like a fine wine it has grown stronger and deepened with time.  The trials we have experienced, trivial though some may have seemed, taught us how to work through issues together, reassured us that we really can depend on one another to be there for better or for worse.

We have shared amazing joys and triumphs over this time, all of which were truely doubled by having a partner who could appriciate what it took to get to that place.

Above all we have experienced God's amazing grace.  I love my husband, but neither of us are perfect.  It is only through accepting God's grace in our own lives, studying Christ's example of forgiveness, sacrifical love and extension of grace that we have made it this far.  As we abide in that grace we are confident that our marriage will thrive 'til death do us part'.

Thank you Lord, for giving me a humble, loving leader!  Give us grace and strength so that we continue to draw closer to you and each other over the next six years!

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