Wow, I’m really starting to feel like a Momma because I keep hearing myself talk about how quickly time has flown! Just five months ago today we welcomed our sweet boy into the world! It has been amazing to watch him grow and change during these quick months.
During his first doctor’s appointment in Indiana, the pediatrician informed me that at 4 ½ months Eb is the size of an average 7 month old (which explains why he is burning through clothes so quickly!). At this check-up Eb was 19 pounds and 15 ounces (so close to 20 that it must count right?) and 27 inches long. He has been handling the transition into our new house like a trooper and has quickly settled into a new routine.
In spite of continuing drool and other signs of teething, we have yet to see any pearly whites peeking through (maybe next month?). His hair is starting to grow in again and his personality continues to develop. He has a wide range of facial expressions and in just the last week he has really become more vocal! He squeals in delight and “preaches” at his toys all of the time. He has also added grunting and angry throat noises to his repertoire!
As he becomes more socially aware he has found a love of people watching. When we are out in public he loves to just stare at all the people moving about us, sometimes he talks to them but often he just quietly watches. He is also developing people preferences. Even though he recognizes Grandma, Grandad and his aunts and uncles, and likes playing with them, he now wants to go to Mommy or Daddy for comfort! The first time this happened my Mom was over holding Eb when it was close to his bed time. He was quite tired and a little grumpy and started crying and reaching for Chris while my Mom was holding him. It totally made Chris’ night!
Ebenezer is also fascinated with food and cups. He watches us very closely when we eat and really seems to want to try to do the same thing! I have a big red water bottle that I drink from and he loves pulling it to his mouth, licking it and examining it very closely as though to say “what does Mommy like you so much for?”
While I’m not quite ready for him to start solids yet, the pediatrician assures me that the change in his bowls (which concerned me at first) simply means his digestion track is maturing and ready for solids whenever I am. It’s good to know that Eb’s curiosity will make this introduction fun instead of a struggle!
He regularly rolls from his back to his belly, but once there he can’t figure out what to do and “swims” until he’s tired of that and wants rolled back over! He is learning to sit up on his own. Although he still needs a lot of help he likes to sit leaning up against Mom or Dad for balance and play with his toys from there instead of laying on his back or tummy. Bathtime has finally become fun instead of distressing. He loves to splash, grab his toes and eat his rubber duck while Momma tries to get him clean between all the wiggles. His favorite is when Dad helps with his baths because more splashing usually occurs!
I finally bit the bullet and started some of the most vital vaccines this month as well. Vaccinations terrify me. I know both Chris and I had them all and on the usual schedule, but all of the controversy flying around the issue really gets to me. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I planned to never give him any vaccines. I know vaccines save lives and am well acquainted with the theory that they should be basically harmless for your child… that doesn’t change the fact that I still have to sign a waiver accepting the risk (however small) that he might die after these shots. I’m still not sure how many he will get before his first birthday, but we are at least starting down that path of decisions… more on that in another post.
We finally see evidence of Ebenezer’s neck! He is lifting his head up more now to investigate the world around him and shows off his neck as he does so! His uncles had started joking that it had been swallowed by the rest of him never to be seen again!
Another new addition this month is cloth diapers! We have had the diapers since a week after Eb was born and were planning on starting to use them around 2-3 months, but with all the chaos of moving we have just now gotten around to that adventure. After the first few days actually wrangling the diapers on Eb isn’t much harder than a disposable, those first few days involved a steep learning curve however! More than once I took too long and ended up getting a yellow shower for my delay! I am still working through the washing schedule, but aside from issues with my highly distractible brain we are off to a great start!
While he is no less of a miracle than when he first arrived five months ago, I am starting to feel like it is more real than a dream… most of the time anyway! I still find myself putting off laying him down for his nap because I am just soaking up how beautiful and perfect he is while sleeping in my arms. I hope I never forget those moments because they really are going by quicker than I imagined they could. Oh that I could express how incredibly grateful I am each day that the Lord has seen fit to let me be Ebenezer’s mother, and what a good day his five month birthday is to reflect on that fact!
Practicing the pouty face on Grandma! |
Eb Loves being outside with Daddy! |
Working that sad face! |
Mmmm.. toes! Cloth is cool! |
Happy boy! |
Reading with Daddy! |
Five Months sure makes a huge difference! |
Holding Mommy's heart in his hands! |
My baby is already growing into man hands! |
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