While my primary emotion during thus move has been excitement about going 'home', I have made enough memories and connections in Florida to find sadness in this departure too. Here are the top ten things I have come to love about the temporary home God placed us in!
10 - Lizards!
These little creepy crawlies gave me fits when we first moved here, but they became a regular sight and kind of fun to watch! It is amazing to me how creative our Creator is and how many different critters you can find in just one day's drive across the country!
9 - Swimming Pools!
It seemed so luxurious that every place we looked at for an apartment had a pool, but after living here I understand that its like having a swing set in the North! The heat is so oppressive and persistent that in order to enjoy being outside it almost has to involve water!
8 - Orange groves.
Not only do I love the delicious citrus that comes from these trees, the perfume from their blooms is heavenly!
7 - Dr. Seuss flowers

So that's not their real name, but it's what they remind me of! These little flowers helped me mark the seasons in Florida, popping out as the temps cooled.
6 - Sun, sun and more sun!
I am sensitive to day length and as days get darker and shorter my mood and energy often reflect the shift. When we lived in BG and it became dark at 4 in the afternoon, this necessitated at least weekly trips to the tanning bed just to get UV rays to perk up my system. Not so in the sunshine state! SAD never came knocking while there!
5 - Free, Fresh Produce!
Between the classes I taught, my research, other's research and helping others harvest we had an abundance of seasonal produce at almost any time of the year - except middle of summer.
4 - Summer afternoon thunder showers
Almost as dependable as the sun during the wetter summer months were afternoons thunder showers. I loved them, especially when I could sit in our balcony and enjoy them. Large clouds would start brooding about 12, burst about 2 or 3, and clear out for a beautiful sun set in the evening.
3 - Live Oaks dripping with moss
These amazing trees never cease to amaze me. Our apartment was surrounded by them and they strike such a unique profile as to be unforgettable. Surviving hundreds of years in ever changing surrounding, they are true symbols of endurance and vitality.
2 - Convenient access to everything!
I was so spoiled! I was 15-20 minutes max from anything and everything my heart desired. Wanna get a movie? No problem! Forgot to buy bread? No big deal! Wanna get Chinese? Here's a huge list of options! Now the closest Walmart is a good 30 minutes - and not much else is around that Walmart!
1 - Abundant Grace Christian Church!
We love these people! The church welcomed us from day one and we found community, support, fellowship and family through the church at large and our Bible Study specifically. If one thing were to tie me to Florida, and even make me desire to return at times, it would be our precious church family. We miss them so much every day and can only pray we find something close at our new home!